Monday, 18 April 2011

Critiquing the Chopping Block

Critiquing the Chopping Block
As I was reading threw my fellow classmates blogs I came across this one: “The Chopping Block” by Blake Benson that held my attention for a while… I can’t help but to agree with Mr. Benson on this matter. I think it is ridiculous for the state lawmakers to even think about cutting the funds for AIDS Drug Assistance Program! I use to be a certified pharmacy technician and I for one know how expensive the medication for AIDS and HIV can be. The pharmacy wouldn’t even order it unless we had a patient on it and when we did they knew they had to call it in at least 5 days before they needed it so that we could insure that we had the quantity they needed. What could possibly make them think that killing these people faster than they already are dying is okay?? It’s sad enough that there is no cure for them. GURR! It makes me so angry to know that the lawmakers are coming up with the most retarded things to use for their budget cuts like education and health! I’m glad that in the end of this it’s not going to be cut but, I really hope that this program never gets cut and it’s so wrong for them to have to worry about the program ever being in that predicament now and in the future. I must say I love Mr. Benson last line of his blog “I swear this state needs to get its priorities straight” Now that’s hella true!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

States Federal Budget....Amendment

The layoffs in schools have already begun! It is extremely sad but very true.  With the states; proposed budget bill it could possibly free up more than $800 million in federal education money.  The government needs to worry about the children’s future... they are the ones going to be eventually running it. 
This budget bill would remove an amendment made by Lloyd Doggett that would make Governor Rick Perry use the money to enhance the schools existing spending. Congressman Doggett doesn’t want the money to be used to replace the existing funding, but to use it as extra money for the children’s education.  Which everyone can see it is much needed now... not later.  The taxpayers do their share and should be able to use the money when it is needed especially with education.  It is said by the states House budget bill that school are underfunded around 7 billion dollars! So the $800 million could defiantly help out now. Some Texas schools are worried about the restrictions that will come along with the money, but knowing that it could help put the kid’s first and help stop the eliminating of jobs in the Education field makes it worth it.  The states Senate is coming up with its own version of the budget bill. As far as all other states none of them are faced with this amendment.  Even though repealing it has been popular with our Texas Republicans we have to do it for the future.