Monday, 14 February 2011

Superintendent Salaries

Hello and welcome to my very first blog! Well as I was surfing the suggested sources links on my page I ran across this article "Superintendent Salaries Are a Statewide Problem" by dmatocha.  This to me the title alone says more than enough. 

In the news there is all the talk about state agencies are supposed to cut their next year budget by 10%, which leads them into eliminating positions. Most of Texas schools already have more students in each class than teachers to teach.

 In this article it talks about how superintendent’s salaries and benefits have been steadily increasing instead of freezing or decreasing.  Some of the superintendents in the good old state of Texas salaries range from $200-$300 million. One of the superintendents listed was Nola Wellman, for Eanes ISD, the school pays the income and Medicare taxes for her salary.  This is freaking crazy! How are they going to face the Senate Finance Committee and House Finance Committee and say their going to take teacher and other staff layoffs due to the budget cut? If they are so concerned with the children’s education (like they should be) the superintendents should be having salary cuts, not taking away from are childrens education.    

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