Monday 9 May 2011

Critiquing: Mortorcyclists and Safety

So heart broken this is my last blog for the semester! :) Reading threw my fellow classmates blogs I found: “Motorcyclists and Safety” by A. Jones. While reading this article I couldn't help but to think why do I have to be more cautious?? I'm not the crazy driver...they are! I can't even to begin to count how many times I've seen motorcyclists speeding down the highways, weaving in and out of traffic, driving between cars at a light or "popping willies".  It makes me so angry that these people drive so carelessly and yet automobile drivers have to be more careful and share the road. WHATEVER!  I'm not a mean person and I'm not going to purposely run over someone, but I can't lie sometimes I think about opening my door when I see them cutting threw the middle of all the cars to get to the front of the line at a traffic light. I do believe everyone should be cautious with EVERYTHING around you. A. Jones mentions turn our heads instead of using the mirrors and not to ride the bumper, these are things we should be doing no matter what kind of vehicle it is around you. I freak out at the thought of the impact of a motorcyclist hitting the ground, hell I hate when I fall walking! Thinking safety I DO think that Texas should require all the motorcyclists to wear helmets and not to allow 5 year old children to ride on a motorcycle period! It makes absolutely no sense to me, if everyone in a car has to wear a seat belt why shouldn't the motorcyclist wear helmets?? Also children have to be in car seats or booster seats until a certain weight limit but not to ride with someone on a motorcycle...Really?? All I'm saying is we should be cautious driving no matter what and all the motorcyclists should be the ones driving with even more caution and stop driving like they are invincible to the other vehicles! Motorcyclist vs. automobile... Automobile is unfortunately going to win.  Peace!  

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